The Love Hangover
Monday, February 15 at 6pm
The Love Hangover, an international music tradition for 21 years.
Find a sympathetic soul during this evening of duets about love.
The Love Hangover, now in its twenty-first year (and its tenth city and second country), is an annual event held on February 15th. On this day-after evening, the world-weary and the true believers alike huddle in pairs, playing songs to heal broken hearts and break whole ones.
Local luminaries of the music scene come two by two and each duo performs love songs to hold forth on love in all of its many guises: the joy, the pain, the humor, the frustration, the ecstatic trials and dented triumphs.
By the Numbers
21 years
10 cities
74 shows
600+ performers
The Concept
The Love Hangover is an annual multi-city, multi-artist musical event that explores romantic love in all its many guises. Held each year on February 15th, this post-Valentine's showcase features a line-up of duets singing songs of the lovelorn, love sworn and love torn.
The Love Hangover was first staged in Raleigh, NC in 2000, and in 2005 expanded to New York City. In 2008, the showcase moved west to include Kansas City, MO. Ann Arbor, MI followed in 2009, and 2010 marked The Love Hangover's debut in Chicago, IL. In 2015 The Love Hangover became an international event with its first show in Toronto, Canada. Providence, RI became the seventh city to host a Love Hangover in 2017. In 2019, The Love Hangover turned 20 and added two new cities: Philadelphia and Detroit. This year Cincinnati reaches double digits as the tenth Love Hangover city.
Benefit for Sounds of Savings
In 2019 and 2020 many chapters of The Love Hangover shows have become benefits for Sounds of Saving, a nonprofit which seeks to use the connective and inspirational powers of music to alleviate depression, prevent suicide and reduce the stigma around these struggles.
This Year’s Performers
Lloyd Cole, Linda Pitmon & Steve Wynn, Laura Cantrell & Mary Lee Kortes, Wes Stace, Boo Hewerdine, Dave Derby, Loose Cattle [Michael Cerveris & Kimberly Kaye], David Nagler & Therese Cox,Kendall Meade & John Reed, Courtney Kaiser-Sandler, John Dee Graham & William Harries Graham,
Flowers of America [Renée LoBue w/Ray Ketchem], Sam Brown & Milton, Joan Chew & Gary Burton, Franklin Bruno, Maddy Wood & Kayla Phillips, Verena Wiesendanger & Julian Maile, Joe McGinty, Claudia Chopek & Anna Reinersman, Dan Whitehouse & Gustaf Ljunggren, Caroline Mamoulides & Steve Howell, Jessie Kilguss, The Monologue Bombs, Scott Easterday, Zebulun Barnow, Susan Hwang & Marlon Cherry, The Gershwin Bros. w/Murderer's Row, Jeff Slate, Rembert Block & Lizzie Edwards, Teresa Torro, Kim & Cece Oler, Gold Cove [Adrian cn Berry], Peter James Millson, Jeffrey Dean Foster, Katy Guillen & the Drive, Silence on the Other End [Lysa Opfer, Nick D'Amore & Amy Nahhas], Charles Latham, Birds & Arrows, Darien Brahms, Paul Cafcae & Emma Hewson, Kristin & Lucy Gray Hamilton,
The Mad Kings, Night Owl/St. Mary St. Michael, Tom Sowders, Steven Tulipana and Alex Alexander, and your hosts Gary Burton & Richard Alwyn.